Re-wire the brain so that your body, heart, mind and spirit are all in alignment;
Reboot your nervous system for optimal functioning to feel calm and connected;
Reduce physical and emotional pain from trauma;
Open and clear chakras with healing power of sound and/or electrical frequencies;
Witness and befriend resistance patterns and blockages;
Discover connections between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

"Catherine has helped me find a grounded center that I've been working hard to discover for a long time. Her powerful presence and somatic resourcing techniques have been a wonderful path to healing for me." - Brittany
Would you like to feel more calm, connected and confident with less physical and emotional pain?
Are you looking for more tools to help you rebound from triggers or dis-regulated states?
Are you ready to tap into your embodied wisdom to guide you?
Through the exploration of the 4 pathways (body, heart, mind and spirit) we will invoke the hidden aspects of yourself needed to reach your full potential.
Benefits include:
Bring harmony to your nervous system through stillness, movement and relaxation;
Promote a deeper awareness of your posture and movements patterns;
Rediscover functional and primal movement patterns that enhance your stamina and agility;
Balance stability and range of motion for specific areas of the body
Practice feeling your truth and expressing it with words, images, movement etc.
Utilize optimal breath to move with more ease and fluidity.
Witness your current internal dialogue;
Gain awareness of limited or exaggerated expression patterns;
Reprogram the subconscious mind with affirmations to support your truest self;
Connect the mind-body for whole body-mapping and integrated self
Deepen your intuition and listening to your divine inner self;
Connect to power images that support you;
Develop self-care strategies for your practice
Get started now and book. your free phone consultation

Are you looking for gentle healing?
This table work is very gentle yet very deep and immediate. I use a mixture of techniques depending on what your body is calling for including: - FSM (frequency specific micro current), energy work, magnets and flower essence and oils
This therapy can be very helpful for rebooting the nervous system after trauma - physical and/or emotional as well as for diminished pain due to chronic pain, psychosomatic ailments and more.
For more information on resonance healing and frequency specific microcurrent, visit
Get started now and book your free phone consultation