Clear energy that is ready to flow and transform;
Discover connections between the physical, emotional and spiritual;
Allow the medicine of the elements - Ether, Water, Fire, Wind and Earth to balance and heal you
Experience plant medicine to support you, including flower essence, master plants
Listen and receive messages, wisdom and support from spirit guides.

Do you feel a heaviness in your space?
Are you plants struggling to thrive?
Are you having trouble sleeping or working?
This package is a great option for:
Honoring a space after moving in or out
Clearing space after a break up, death or illness
Reclaiming and repurposing space
To support your intentions attracting love, abundance etc.
Package includes: 1 session in your home or office
(60-90 minutes)
1. A ceremony to set intentions
2. Energy clearing of every room with smudging, sacred water and sound healing
3. A Feng Shui consultation

Are you feeling burnout? Are you physically or emotionally drained? Have you recently been dealing with challenging people or situations?
In this session, we will clear your energy of any energies that don't belong to you or that are not in alignment with your highest self. We will use plant medicine, smoke or water with plants such as essential oils, flower essences and salt as well as an intuitive reading of your body. Sound such as drum and rattle may also be used to clear energy.

Are you curious about how plants can support your spiritual growth?
Are you considering a ceremony or micro dosing with a master plant?
Are you being called to work with plants but don't know which ones?
Are you curious about using flower essences, tinctures, limpias?
Plants are some of our oldest relatives. For centuries they have offered us medicine for the body and soul. This session is ideal to support you in discovering which plant medicine is calling you at this time and which frequency is best. Different parts of the plant and different dosages may be needed (flower essence, essential oils, micro dose, ceremonial dose etc)
A ceremony at the altar with drum journey to connect with plant spirits and ask for their guidance.
Benefits include:
Taking the right plant and in the right frequency for YOU
Better preparation and integration of plant medicine ceremonies
I have a variety of channeled and created plant recipes including: magic honey, mother's milk, aguas for limpias, belly oils and vibrational flower essence potions. Contact me to see which one is right for you.
Vibrational Flower Essence Potions

Suggested for when you want to connect to the ancestors and connect to their wisdom, and protection. Helps with intergenerational healing and when you know you are carrying old family patterns.
Ingredients: borage, nasturtium, gentian, mallow, saguaro, angelica

Suggested for when you feel stuck in old patterns or are struggling to make decisions or follow through to support your goals. Helps with letting go of the old and brining in the new.
Ingredients: cayenne, golden rod, wild oat, walnut, madia, star of Bethlehem

Suggested for when you are feeling anxiety or fear. Supports the parasympathetic nervous system so you can slow down, pause and feel more ease.
Ingredients: rock water, cosmos, pine, white chestnut, calla lilly, red chestnut

Suggested for when you are feeling depressed, low energy or have lost your spark. Helps bring you more energy and prepare you for movement and action.
Ingredients: sweet chestnut, tansy, cherry plum, yerba santa, hyssop, columbine

Suggested for when you give too much, have low self-esteem or lack boundaries in relationships. Helps support a drawing in to discover and remember your true self.
Ingredients: clematis, buttercup, sunflower, rosemary, centaury, aspen

Suggested for when you want to connect with others, build community or share your gifts.
Ingredients: larch, larkspur, mullein, quacking grass, pomegranate